Tuesday, April 5, 2011

If the shoe doesn't fit, is it child abuse?

 If the shoe fits...

The other day, my husband took our son (much to sons dismay) out to buy new shoes. This is not a favorite shopping destination for any 13 year old I'm sure, and our son is no exception. But it could not be put off any longer. His toes were squashed inside his shoes, so much so that putting them on was like trying to slide a watermelon into a toaster. Well, maybe not that bad, but you get the idea. Things were getting awfully tight in there, and even though said son claimed that his feet were just fine, we knew better. So off he went with dad, or should I say dad dragged him, to the shoe store for some fun times. It turns out our son was cramming his size 7 feet into size 5-1/2 shoes! Ouch! Does that mean his father and I are child abusers? Sure sounds like torture to me. I feel so bad. Yes officer, I'll go without a fight, guilty as charged.

To be fair to my husband and I, we really didn't know quite how bad things were getting for our son and his feet, because he stubbornly refused to report that he no longer had any feeling in his toes while walking any distance. So, conscious cleared for now. 

 And the application goes to...

I promised to keep anyone who cares informed of my job hunt situation, and currently I am no further ahead than the last report I gave to you all. (English majors, go ahead and cringe, I know that last sentence is killing you). Anywho, I keep sending out one application and resume after another, but I feel as though no one is reading them. I think I'd have better luck if I was placing them in the claws of an owl like in Harry Potter, and delivering them to future employers in style. At least that would get their attention. Well, the owl droppings would, anyway. Do you see what is happening to me? I'm totally losing it. Thank goodness I have my nursing books to review, or I'd completely forget why I was even sending out those applications in the first place.

Spring break...Florida's going to sink into the ocean

The other day I was whining (I do that from time to time) about the fact that everyone is in Florida for Spring Break except yours truly. I really believe that there has been a mass exodus from the northern states to warmer climates such as Florida, and I sometimes wonder if they can handle the extra weight. Meanwhile, Michigan, Wisconsin and other northern states have emptied out like an hourglass run amok. (I love the word amok and could not wait to use it in my blog). But back to spring break, let's think about this. If so many people have left the great white north for sunny Florida, wouldn't that lead to a slight tilt in the earth's axis? Being such a gifted amateur astronomer and physicist, it makes perfect sense to me.

I'm kidding, of course, so if there are any astronomers, or just plain smart people reading this, know that I'm not completely off my rocker. I just like to contemplate such things.
From time to time.

Okay a lot.

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