Monday, November 28, 2011

Bad Rap Mondays

Monday gets a bad rap.

Where did the expression 'bad rap' come from, anyway?

Anyone, feel free to enlighten me.
I could google it, but it's Monday, and I'm saving my energy for work.

See what I mean? I'm blaming poor old Monday for my pathetic excuse, and he/she/it didn't do a thing to deserve such deceit.

So...back to my original thought. And I do use original thought most carefully, as I have so few of my own.

Monday obviously signals the official end of the weekend. (See what I said about 'original' thought?) If we are fortunate enough to have this precious time to ourselves, we are free to do whatever we want, or do not want to do.
Monday however, smacks us right in the face and says, "hey you lazy slob, get off your tush and get back to work."
Unless of course, you're a lazy retired slob. We working stiffs despise you. Passionately.

Yikes Monday working stiffs, that's harsh.

But I propose a kinder, gentler Monday. A Monday filled with promise, purpose and new beginnings. Oh my, I do believe I've just entered the race for republican presidential candidate. Or democratic. Or independent.
Or whatever.

My point is, we can look at the glass as half empty, or we can look at the glass as half full, and hope it's half full of our favorite adult beverage, if you catch my drift.

Will someone please research the origination of 'catch my drift'?

I suppose the thought I am trying desperately to convey to you slackers who are reading this instead of working is this:
Give Monday a chance. Sorta like give peace a chance, but way more original than that tired old line.

Dive into the day, plaster a fake (or somewhat genuine) smile on your weary face. You will discover, if you haven't already, that others will respond much more positively to your disposition. Most of you already know that it takes more facial muscles to frown than to smile. So take advantage of this easier effort to get through the day. (You can thank me later.)

Meanwhile look at it this way. Soon Monday will be just a memory. Most of you will respond to this thought with tears of joy and happy dancing. But than reality will again hit you smack dab in the face. You will wake up and it will be Tuesday.

Ah Tuesday.

Where should I begin?


  1. I did my best today . That post yesterday - with a tear , brought it home for me . I prayed . Today is still all I have . Thanks for your perspective .

  2. Thanks mv2112. I didn't mean to bring forth tears, (I'm wrapping up a hug right now for you in a paper towel!) I appreciate your comments, and your visit.
