Saturday, March 12, 2011

Gone Global!

When I started this blog, I knew my audience would be small, and if it grew at all, it would not exactly be in leaps and bounds. That has been more or less the case, but one thing has really surprised me.

My blog has gone global.

I don't exactly know how it happened, but I have readers all over the globe! This Blogger site keeps track of your "Audience"; it reports what countries are reading your blog, and when I first started mine, it was obviously all United States readers. Then slowly, one-by-one, the foreign countries started popping up and I was truly amazed. Australia was first, which was not a surprise, because my oldest son just happened to be there for his study abroad trip. And bless his heart, he was actually reading his mother's blog in between studies, beach visits, and endless soiree's to who knows where.

Here's the list of countries, for those of you just burning to know:

* China
* Canada
* Indonesia
* Germany
* Russia
* Singapore
* Moldova
* Hungary
* Israel
* India
* France

I am intrigued, because I know that there is likely some sort of connection between my U.S. readers and a lot of these foreign readers, I just wish I knew what they were! Some of them are also folks just "Google-ing".

Whatever brought them here, it is fun to know that my blog has international ties now. It's crazy-fun.

The Latest on Job Hunting

The applications are being cast out fast and furious, but no one seems to be biting. I am beginning to think I should consider changing the bait, but I don't know what I am supposed to use. Perhaps I just have to hang in there and dig deep for more patience, just as a fisherman does when waiting for that exciting tug on his line. I know it will happen, but patience is definitely not my strong suit. I may have said this before, but it bears repeating: When God was passing out patience, I took one look at the long line and decided the wait wasn't worth it! Now I'm paying the price.

Every day that I have to wait, I feel as though my clinical skills are slipping away. I am going to have to pick up my beast of burden NCLEX book and review once again all of the basics. I don't want to lose it before I've even had a chance to use it.

Enough. The clock is ticking. Those applications are not going to fill out themselves.

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