Friday, April 20, 2012

Dumb Phone to Smart Phone...It was bound to happen

One of the rewards for all of my hard work in the trenches of nursing school is the ability to splurge now and then. By splurge, I mean contributing my hard-earned dollars towards the U.S. economy in the pursuit of material possessions for the sole purpose of happiness.

And so it is with great joy that I will be trading in my old dumb-stupid-idiot phone tomorrow for a brand spankin new Smart Phone.

I've been holding out for quite awhile. I actually like my old phone. It has served me well, and performs the task it was meant to perform: call and receive calls. It also has a keyboard for texting, which I confess I do a lot. So it's not completely stone-age. But the Smart Phone has been whispering sweet nothings into my ear for some time now, as my husband has one, so I have finally decided to abandon old faithful.

What made me change my mind? Certainly one of the biggest draws is access to the internet. Although I have limited internet now with ole Bessie, it is almost useless with it's postage stamp-sized screen. With a new Smart Phone, I will be able to check into facebook and actually see faces! 

Another huge lure for me as a nurse will be the ability to look up medications, labs, procedures, etc. I will have drug apps, med apps, nurse apps, gory wound apps, a veritable feast of apps, apps apps galore. My heart is skipping a beat at the mere thought. And Bookworm. I will be able to play Bookworm!

Unfortunately, my husband will be doing the trade-in, as I will be slaving away at work. However, waiting for me upon my arrival home will be a shiny, brand spankin new smarty-pants phone. I will probably be up into the wee hours of the morning playing with it.

Will I miss ole Bessie? Probably. Her beat up, 'dropped so many times I've lost count' presence will no longer be. I'll have to be extremely careful with this new-fangled phone. With Bessie, I could practically fling her across the room and know with confidence and certainty she would still perform her duties.

But I think I'm finally ready to let go. However, with this decision comes a new dilemma.

What to name my new brainy phone? 

Something tells me I will be too busy 'app-ing' to christen it with a name for quite some time.

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